"Revista" |
"An" |
"Luna" |
"Pg." |
"Articol" |
"Subiect" |
"Tematica" |
"Domeniu" |
Sky&Telescope | 2001 | noiembrie | 30 | Sixty Years of Hindsight | aniversarea a 60 de ani a Sky &Telescope | | istorie |
Sky&Telescope | 2001 | noiembrie | 38 | The Race to Measure Cosmos | istoria masurarii paralaxelor stelelor | | istorie |
Sky&Telescope | 2001 | noiembrie | 48 | The Star Too Tough to Die | obiecte de tip Sakurai | evolutie stele | astrofizica |
Sky&Telescope | 2001 | noiembrie | 57 | Two Ultrasensitive CCD Cameras | Apogee AP7p si AP8p - camere CCD | teste | ATM |
Sky&Telescope | 2001 | noiembrie | 63 | Stellar Guides for Your Birthday | steaua zilei de nastere | | educatie |
Sky&Telescope | 2001 | noiembrie | 84 | Astronomy on the Road | placute auto astronomice | | educatie |
Sky&Telescope | 2001 | noiembrie | 122 | A Sampling of Edge-on Galaxies | galaxii edge-on | deep-sky | observatii |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"octombrie" |
30 |
"Adaptive Optics Comes of Age" |
"optica adaptiva" |
"optica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"octombrie" |
42 |
"Mission: Possible - The Promiseof Pisgah" |
"observatorul Pisgah din North Carolina" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"octombrie" |
51 |
"William Optics Megrez 80 Refractor" |
"William Optics Megrez 80 refractor" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"octombrie" |
58 |
"A trio for Minor-Planet Observers" |
"software pentru observarea asteroizilor" |
"programe" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"octombrie" |
76 |
"The Stars Through the Eyesof the Dragon" |
"astronomia de amatori din Hong Kong" |
"organizare" |
"astrocluburi" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"octombrie" |
110 |
"My Favorite Deep-Sky Objects" |
"observatii de deep-sky" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"octombrie" |
122 |
"Downsizing Newtonian SecondaryMirrors" |
"micsorarea secundarei unui newtonian" |
"constructii" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"septembrie" |
32 |
"The Universe Through Gravity'sLens" |
"'lentile' gravitationale" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"septembrie" |
42 |
"A Wide Deep Field: Gettingthe Big Picture" |
"proiectul NOAO de observare a galaxiilor" |
"galaxii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"septembrie" |
49 |
"A Dob for the Deep Sky" |
"Orion SkyQuest XT10 dobsonian" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"septembrie" |
66 |
"Amateur Astronomy in Russia:Past; Present; and Future" |
"astronomia de amatori din Rusia" |
"organizare" |
"astrocluburi" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"septembrie" |
102 |
"Taking Your Telescope tothe Limit" |
"magnitudinea limita prin telescop pe M57" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"septembrie" |
114 |
"The Hargreaves Strut" |
"eliminarea vibratiilor in monturi germane" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"septembrie" |
116 |
"Fixing Vignetting in Astrophotos" |
"eliminarea vignetarii prin prelucrarea imaginii" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"iulie" |
34 |
"2MASS:Unveiling the Infrared Universe" |
"observatii in infrarosu cu 2MASS" |
"radiatii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"iulie" |
44 |
"A New Century for Asteroids" |
"asteroizi" |
"asteroizi" |
"sistemulsolar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"iulie" |
55 |
"Meade's Newest ""Go To"" Telescope" |
"Meade LX90" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"iulie" |
65 |
"Star Catalogs for the 21st Century" |
"cataloage" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"iulie" |
79 |
"A Gift of the Universe" |
"observatorul J. McCarthy din Connecticut" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"iulie" |
111 |
"More Pretty Doubles" |
"duble pe cerul de vara" |
"stele duble" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"iulie" |
120 |
"An Attractive Three-Point Dobsonian" |
"dobsonian de 10 inch " |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"iulie" |
127 |
"High-Resolution Composite ColorImaging with Films" |
"combinarea unei expuneri color cu una A/N" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"iulie" |
133 |
"Color CCD Imaging with LuminanceLayering" |
"prelucrare de imagini CCD" |
"CCD" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"iunie" |
34 |
"The Race to Epsilon Eridani" |
"planeta lui epsilon Eridani" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"iunie" |
47 |
"Light-Pollution Filters for Cameras" |
"filtre fotografice pt. reducerea poluarii luminoase" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"iunie" |
50 |
"Celestron's ""Go To"" Maksutov" |
"maksutov 100mm Celestron NexStar 4 GT" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"iunie" |
58 |
"Java Applets for Astronomy" |
"programare in Java" |
"programe" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"iunie" |
74 |
"Longfellow: Voice of the Night" |
"Longfellow - o voce in noapte" |
"istorie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"iunie" |
112 |
"James Dunlop: Messier of theSouthern Sky" |
"catalog de deep-sky in emisfera australa" |
"istorie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"iunie" |
125 |
"Readers Ask: Power and Alignment" |
"grosisment si colimare" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"mai" |
34 |
"NEAR Falls for Eros" |
"NEAR si asteroidul Eros" |
"misiuni " |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"mai" |
40 |
"Galileo's Closest Look at Io" |
"Galileo si Io" |
"misiuni " |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"mai" |
52 |
"Five ""Go To"" Telescopes for Beginners" |
"telescoape computerizate pentru incepatori" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"mai" |
62 |
"Superior Moments for Inferior Planets" |
"observarea planetelor" |
"planete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"mai" |
115 |
"The Martian-Flares Mystery" |
"straluciri sporadice pe Marte" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"mai" |
132 |
"Automated Meteor Observing" |
"observatii video la meteori" |
"meteori" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"aprilie" |
34 |
"Van Gogh's Rediscovered NightSky" |
"cerul noptii in picturile lui Van Gogh " |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"aprilie" |
42 |
"The Future of SETI" |
"proiecte SETI" |
"SETI" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"aprilie" |
59 |
"The Little Dob That Could" |
"ORION SkyQuest XT4.5 dobsonian" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"aprilie" |
76 |
"Amid the Treasures of Persia" |
"astronomia in Iran" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"aprilie" |
113 |
"My Favorite Deep-Sky Wonders" |
"Obiectele favorite ale lui David Levy" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"aprilie" |
128 |
"Newtonian Baffling Made Easy" |
"diafragmarea newtonienelor" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"martie" |
34 |
"Today's Science of the Sun -Part 2" |
"noutati despre Soare" |
"Soare" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"martie" |
42 |
"Starspots" |
"pete solare pe alte stele" |
"Soare" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"martie" |
54 |
"The Takahashi Astronomer" |
"binoclul Takahashi 22x60" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"martie" |
62 |
"TheSky in Miniature" |
"TheSky pe computere hand-held " |
"programe" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"martie" |
76 |
"Asteroids; Teenagers; and RealScience" |
"programe educationale in California" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"martie" |
108 |
"Messier Surveys by the Dozen" |
"Messier cu diverse instrumente" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"martie" |
120 |
"The Folded Refractor: QualityOptics on a Budget" |
"refractor 'indoit' tip Pfannenschmidt" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"martie" |
126 |
"Astrophotography Heavyweight" |
"telescop de 20 inch pe remorca" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"februarie" |
34 |
"Today's Science of the Sun- Part 1" |
"noutati despre Soare" |
"Soare" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"februarie" |
40 |
"Solar-Eclipse Science: Still Going Strong" |
"Stiinta eclipselor de Soare " |
"eclipse" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"februarie" |
50 |
"A Year of Discovery: AstronomyHighlights of 2000" |
"descoperirile anului 2000" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"februarie" |
64 |
"The Tele Vue - 102" |
"lunetaTele Vue de 102 mm" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"februarie" |
71 |
"Seven Best on the Web" |
"pagini pe Internet" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"februarie" |
91 |
"Exploring the Sky at Mamalluca" |
"observatorul Mamalluca din Chile" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"februarie" |
96 |
"Stargazing Under EnchentedSkies" |
"star party in Socorro- New Mexico" |
"organizare" |
"astrocluburi" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"februarie" |
126 |
"Introducing the Bortle Dark-SkyScale" |
"scara de evaluare a poluarii luminoase" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"februarie" |
138 |
"A Simple Dark-Sky Meter" |
"aparat pt. masurarea calitatii cerului" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"ianuarie" |
38 |
"A Blueprint for Astronomy'sNext 10 Years" |
"proiecte de viitor in astronomie" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"ianuarie" |
48 |
"Penetrating the Dust: The Dualityof Spiral Structure" |
"nou model de clasificare a galaxiilor" |
"galaxii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"ianuarie" |
56 |
"Dusty Phenomena in the SolarSystem" |
"praful in sistemul solar" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"ianuarie" |
67 |
"STV: Digital Imaging for theMasses?" |
"SBIG's STV" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"ianuarie" |
77 |
"Web-Based Education Comingof Age" |
"cursuri de astronomie pe Internet" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"ianuarie" |
92 |
"Gamma-Ray Bursts and AmateurAstronomers" |
"eruptiile in gamma si matorii" |
"organizare" |
"astrocluburi" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"ianuarie" |
141 |
"Stray Light in Telescopes" |
"lumina parazita in newtoniene" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
2001 |
"ianuarie" |
152 |
"Combining Exposures with LayerMasks" |
"prelucrare de imagini in Photoshop" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |