"Revista" |
"An" |
"Luna" |
"Pg." |
"Articol" |
"Subiect" |
"Tematica" |
"Domeniu" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"decembrie" |
36 |
"Radio Astronomy Resolution Machine" |
"radiotelescopul VLBA" |
"radioastronomie" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"decembrie" |
48 |
"25 Hot New Products of 1999" |
"produse astronomice noi in 1999" |
"clasificare" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"decembrie" |
60 |
"Forecasting Martian Halos" |
"fenomene atmosferice pe Marte" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"decembrie" |
66 |
"Telescope: Can You Hear Me" |
"Comanda vocala a telescoapelor" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"decembrie" |
85 |
"An Assembly of Good Fellows" |
"astroclub in Texas" |
"organizare" |
"astrocluburi" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"decembrie" |
118 |
"Jupiter's Deep Mistery" |
"Jupiter" |
"planete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"decembrie" |
133 |
"The Observatories of S&T" |
"observatoare ale editorilor S&T" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"noiembrie" |
28 |
"The Leonid Meteor Storm" |
"Leonide 1999" |
"meteori" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"noiembrie" |
38 |
"In Search of Martian Seas" |
"marile de pe Marte" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"noiembrie" |
48 |
"Calamity at Meteor Crater" |
"Meteor crater din Arizona" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"noiembrie" |
57 |
"A Trio of Refractors" |
"refractoare Vixen" |
"teste" |
"ATM " |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"noiembrie" |
67 |
"Software by Internet" |
"software pe Internet" |
"programe" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"noiembrie" |
84 |
"The Life of John E. Melish" |
"istorie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"noiembrie" |
118 |
"The Great Total Eclipse" |
"eclipsa totala din august 1999" |
"eclipse" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"noiembrie" |
130 |
"A Balancing Act for Dobsonians" |
"balansarea dobsonienelor" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"noiembrie" |
137 |
"There's No Place Like Home" |
"Calea Lactee" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"octombrie" |
32 |
"Gauging the Impact Threat" |
"ciocnirea asteroizilor cu Terra" |
"asteroizi" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"octombrie" |
40 |
"Leonardo da Vinci and theMoon" |
"observatii facute de da Vinci la Luna" |
"istorie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"octombrie" |
46 |
"The Solar-Stelar Connection" |
"legatura dintre Soare si alte stele" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"octombrie" |
61 |
"Meade's ETX-125EC-- A FirstLook" |
"ETX-ul de 125 mm" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"octombrie" |
68 |
"SETI@Home:Catching the Wave" |
"SETI" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"octombrie" |
84 |
"The Sky Within" |
"programul de televiziune StarGazer" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"octombrie" |
118 |
"Binocular Doubles for AutumSky" |
"stele duble vizibile cu binoclul" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii " |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"octombrie" |
128 |
"Improving Dobsonian Motion" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"octombrie" |
135 |
"Improve Your Astrophotos" |
"combinarea imaginilor foto" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"septembrie" |
32 |
" Interplanetary Infestations" |
"contaminarea cu viata a planetelor" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"septembrie" |
40 |
" Life at the Limit" |
"microbi extraterestri" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"septembrie" |
44 |
"The Race to Map the MicrowaveBackground" |
"gasirea tipului de univers in care traim" |
"teorii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"septembrie" |
50 |
"The Lives of Stars" |
"crese stelare" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"septembrie" |
64 |
"Robotic Telescopes for theMases" |
"telescoape robotizate" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"septembrie" |
68 |
" A Magnetic Star-FindingMachine" |
"Night Navigator" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"septembrie" |
75 |
"Wish List Revisited" |
"softa stronomic" |
"programe" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"septembrie" |
118 |
" The TLP Myth" |
"Transient Lunar Phenomena" |
"Luna" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"septembrie" |
130 |
" The Mersenne Telescope" |
"telescop Mersenne" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"august" |
30 |
"Supernovae; Neutrinos; and AmateurAstronomers" |
" aparitia supernovelor" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"august" |
44 |
"Chandra X-ray Observatory" |
"telescopul Chandra" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"august" |
54 |
"How We'll Deliver Chandra toOrbit" |
"telescopul Chandra" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"august" |
56 |
"X-ray Astronomy's Golden Age" |
"astronomia in raze X" |
"radiatii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"august" |
61 |
"Video of the Stars" |
"observatii video" |
"video" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"august" |
64 |
"A First Look: SBIG ST-7E CCDCamera" |
"camera CCD ST-7E" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"august" |
69 |
"Shadow Painting the Globe" |
"durataTotalitatii la eclipse de Soare" |
"eclipse" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"august" |
84 |
"A Guide to Astronomy Inns" |
"hanuri astronomice" |
"organizare" |
"astrocluburi" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"august" |
116 |
"Strange Eclipses" |
"eclipse stranii observate in timp" |
"eclipse" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"august" |
128 |
"The Wolanski Ultralight Telescope" |
"telescopde 16 inci usor transportabil" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"august" |
135 |
"The Revival of Amateur Spectroscopy" |
"spectroscopie de amatori" |
"spectroscopie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"august" |
140 |
"A Field Guide to Supernova Spectra" |
"spectreale supernovelor" |
"spectroscopie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iulie" |
30 |
"The Life of a Neutron Star" |
"stele neutronice" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iulie" |
40 |
"Galileo:AN Image Galery3" |
"imagini realizate de sonda Galileo" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iulie" |
44 |
"Exploting the Topology of theCosmos" |
"topologia Universului" |
"cosmologie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iulie" |
63 |
"Solar Filters:Which Is Best?" |
"filtre solare" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iulie" |
66 |
"More Magnification for Observing" |
"Barlow 5x Powermate" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iulie" |
67 |
"Less Magnification for Photography" |
"focal reducer" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iulie" |
70 |
"Under One Roof" |
"comandarea CCD+ procesarea imaginilor" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iulie" |
84 |
"A Unique Temple to the Sun" |
"templu solar in Ecuador" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iulie" |
115 |
"An Amateur's Night on Mount Wilson" |
"observatii cu telescop de 60 inci" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iulie" |
128 |
"New Twist on Tilted-Mirror Telescopes" |
"telescop cu oglinda inclinata" |
"constructii" |
"ATM " |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iulie" |
136 |
"Imaging Totality" |
"tehnica defotografiere a eclipselor de Soare" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iunie" |
32 |
"The Birth of Binary Stars" |
"stele duble" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iunie" |
40 |
"Hipparcos:The Stars in Three Dimensions" |
"misiunea Hipparcos" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iunie" |
52 |
"Oliver Wendell Holmes:Poet ofthe Sky" |
"viata lui OWH" |
"astronomia in literatura" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iunie" |
56 |
"Charles Boyer and the Clouds ofVenus" |
"rotatia atmosferei lui Venus" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iunie" |
70 |
"Changing with Time" |
"Celestron5" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iunie" |
78 |
"Charting the Sky with Software" |
"programe de planetariu" |
"programe" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iunie" |
94 |
"The Lord of Braeside" |
"fotometrie stelara" |
"variabile" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iunie" |
122 |
"A Beginner's Guide to Solar Observing" |
"ghid observatii solare" |
"Soare" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iunie" |
132 |
"Cures for Unsupportive MirrorCells" |
"barilete pentru oglinzi" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"iunie" |
138 |
"Expanding the View" |
"crearea mozaicurilor din mai multe imagini" |
"CCD" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"mai" |
36 |
"What's a Blue Moon" |
"Luna Albastra" |
"Luna" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"mai" |
40 |
"The Rise and Fall of Quasars" |
"quasari" |
"teorii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"mai" |
48 |
"Pluto Reconsidered" |
"ce este Pluto?" |
"planete" |
"sistemulsolar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"mai" |
54 |
"Gamma-Ray Burst Hunters" |
"exploziicu emitere de raze Gamma" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"mai" |
61 |
"A Hot Telescope Gets Even Hotter" |
"ETX" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"mai" |
70 |
"Pillars in the Sky" |
"fenomene atmosferice" |
"Soare" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"mai" |
84 |
"An Eccentric of the Very Best Kind" |
"George Alcock" |
"Cercetatori" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"mai" |
114 |
"Refractor Red Meets the Herschel400" |
"observatii cu un refractor de 55 mm" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"mai" |
120 |
"A Simplified Hyperbolic Astrograph" |
"astrograf hiperbolic" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"mai" |
126 |
"Going to the Limit" |
"observatii la limita Universului" |
"CCD" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"aprilie" |
34 |
"A Master Plan for Mars" |
"misiunipe Marte" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"aprilie" |
42 |
"Visions of Mars" |
"geologia lui Marte" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"aprilie" |
52 |
"Microbes in a Martian Meteorite?" |
"meteorit de pe Marte" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"aprilie" |
65 |
"A Pair of High-Performance Maksutovs" |
"telescoape Maksutov" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"aprilie" |
75 |
"Wishful Thinking" |
"programe de astronomie" |
"programe" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"aprilie" |
86 |
"Comet Awards and Their SocialImpact" |
"premii ce se acorda descoperitorilor de comete" |
"comete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"aprilie" |
116 |
"The Colors of Mars" |
"culoarea solului planetei Marte" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"aprilie" |
123 |
"A Flying Dobsonian" |
"dobsonian compact si portabil" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"martie" |
32 |
"At the Hearts of Barred Galaxies" |
"galaxii barate" |
"galaxii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"martie" |
40 |
"Eyewitness to Stellar Evolution" |
"stele instabile" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"martie" |
48 |
"Awaiting the Storm" |
"Leonide1999" |
"meteori" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"martie" |
52 |
"Once in a Blue Moon" |
"Luna Albastra" |
"Luna" |
"sistemulsolar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"martie" |
59 |
"High-Tech Newtonian CollimationTool" |
"colimator cu laser" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"martie" |
76 |
"Sentinel of the Sky" |
"Near-Earth asteroizi" |
"asteroizi" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"martie" |
110 |
"Exploring Hickson Compact Groups" |
"galaxii multiple" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"martie" |
120 |
"Woodshop Telescopes" |
"telescoape din lemn" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"martie" |
129 |
"Warming Up to Digital Imaging" |
"achizitia imaginilor" |
"CCD" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"februarie" |
32 |
"Cosmic Discovery 1998" |
"descoperiri in 1998" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"februarie" |
42 |
"The Warming Wisps of Triton" |
"satelitulTriton" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"februarie" |
48 |
"Early Chinese Observations" |
"observatii antice" |
"istorie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"februarie" |
63 |
"Intensifying Your ViewingExperience" |
"oculare intensificatoare" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"februarie" |
72 |
"Computer Telescope Togetherness" |
"telescop comandat de computer" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"februarie" |
84 |
"Astronomy Under the SouthernCross" |
"astroclub din Australia" |
"organizare" |
"astrocluburi" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"februarie" |
116 |
"Observing Double Stars forFun and Science" |
"observarea stelelor duble" |
"stele duble" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"februarie" |
127 |
"A Roundup of Personal Observatories" |
"observatoare de amatori" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"februarie" |
132 |
"Observatory Mistakes to Avoid" |
"greseli in constructia observatoarelor" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"februarie" |
134 |
"Building a Fiber-Optic Spectograph" |
"spectrograf cu fibre optice" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"ianuarie" |
32 |
"Hubble Picturesque Heritage" |
"imagini Hubble" |
"telescopul spatial" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"ianuarie" |
36 |
"The Origin of Our Solar System" |
"originea sistemului solar" |
"planete" |
"sistemul Solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"ianuarie" |
50 |
"The Pallas Meteorite" |
"meteorit cazut in Siberia" |
"meteoriti" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"ianuarie" |
56 |
"Island Universes from Wrightto Hubble" |
"ce sunt galaxiile?" |
"galaxii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"ianuarie" |
65 |
"A Versatile Equatorial Mount" |
"montura ecuatoriala" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"ianuarie" |
74 |
"Pocket-Size Astronomy" |
"computere de buzunar" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"ianuarie" |
92 |
"William Albrecht-In the TwilightZone" |
"observatii la 81 de ani" |
"variabile" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"ianuarie" |
96 |
"The Spirit of Hidden Hollow" |
"amatoriin Ohio" |
"organizare" |
"astrocluburi" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"ianuarie" |
124 |
"Little-Known Planetaries" |
"nebuloase planetare" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"ianuarie" |
135 |
"10 Top Telescope Ideas of1998" |
"idei pentru imbunatatirea telescoapelor" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1999 |
"ianuarie" |
143 |
"News from the Front" |
"filme noi pentru astrofotograifie" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |