"Revista" |
"An" |
"Luna" |
"Pg." |
"Articol" |
"Subiect" |
"Tematica" |
"Domeniu" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"decembrie" |
32 |
"The Moon Rediscovered" |
"Lunar Prospector" |
"Luna" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"decembrie" |
36 |
"The Chance of Finding Aliens" |
"ecuatialui Drake" |
"SETI" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"decembrie" |
44 |
"SETI Searches Today" |
"descriere SETI" |
"SETI" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"decembrie" |
50 |
"Habitable Moons" |
"sateliti pe care poate aparea viata" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"decembrie" |
58 |
"25 Hot New Products of 1998" |
"produse noi in 1998" |
"clasificare" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"decembrie" |
68 |
"Meteors that Changed the World" |
"meteoriti ce au atins Pamantul" |
"meteoriti" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"decembrie" |
82 |
"Confronting the Year 2000" |
"Millenium bug" |
"programare" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"decembrie" |
114 |
"A Dwarf Nova Near M31" |
"RX Andromedae" |
"variabile" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"decembrie" |
127 |
"Another Approach to DrawingPlanets" |
"desenarea planetelor" |
"planete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"decembrie" |
136 |
"Custom Trailer for a 17 inchTelescope" |
"remorca pentru telescop" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"decembrie" |
138 |
"Joys of a Telescope on a Deck" |
"telescop simplu de construit" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"decembrie" |
142 |
"True Color CCD Imaging" |
"imagini color cu CCD" |
"CCD" |
"observatii " |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"noiembrie" |
30 |
"The Night of Raining Fire" |
"Leonide1833" |
"meteori" |
"sistemul Solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"noiembrie" |
38 |
"The Return of the Leonid Meteors" |
"Leonide1998" |
"meteori" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"noiembrie" |
46 |
"First Sight for a Glass Giant" |
"prima imagine a VLT" |
"optica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"noiembrie" |
59 |
"Better Resolution ThroughTechnology" |
"SBIG AO-7" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"noiembrie" |
68 |
"The Stars of Hamlet" |
"supernova in Hamlet" |
"istorie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"noiembrie" |
83 |
"The Ghost Book of Manchester" |
"Uranographia Britannica" |
"istorie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"noiembrie" |
114 |
"The Mountains of the Moon" |
"masurarea inaltimii muntilor de pe Luna" |
"Luna" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"noiembrie" |
121 |
"A New Concept in High PowerOptics" |
"telescop pentru planete" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"noiembrie" |
130 |
"Astrophotography with a Twist" |
"astrofotografii Hallas" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"octombrie" |
30 |
"Stellar Metamorphosis" |
"stea in schimbare" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"octombrie" |
38 |
"The Dynamic Lives of GlobularClusters" |
"evaporarea roiurilor globulare" |
"roiuri stelare" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"octombrie" |
46 |
"The Journey Back to the Source" |
"inceputul universului" |
"cosmologie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"octombrie" |
63 |
"Software and Chart Syntesis" |
"program de generat harti" |
"programe" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"octombrie" |
77 |
"Our Cataclismic Variable Network" |
"variabile cataclismice" |
"variabile" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"octombrie" |
112 |
"Le Verrier'Wild Geese" |
"planeta Vulcan" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"octombrie" |
119 |
"Tele-Tips from our Readers" |
"sugestii de la cititori" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"octombrie" |
123 |
"Pipe Mount and Storage Rackfor a C90" |
"montura pentru C90" |
"constructii" |
"ATM " |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"septembrie" |
32 |
"Ten Dark-Sky Years" |
"IDA" |
"organizare" |
"astrocluburi" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"septembrie" |
38 |
"Supernovae and the Fate ofthe Universe" |
"supernove" |
"variabile" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"septembrie" |
48 |
"NASA's New Moon" |
"Lunar Prospector" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"septembrie" |
59 |
"A Sharp Scope for Peopleon the GO" |
"Tele Vue 85" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"septembrie" |
70 |
"A Rainbow's Extra Arcs" |
"curcubee" |
"meteorologie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"septembrie" |
84 |
"Dark Nights are Safe Nights" |
"poluare luminoasa" |
"organizare" |
"astrocluburi" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"septembrie" |
87 |
"The Stars Shine in Paris" |
"astronomie in Paris" |
"organizare" |
"astrocluburi" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"septembrie" |
106 |
"Double Stars in Cepheus" |
"stele duble in Cefeu" |
"stele duble" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"septembrie" |
116 |
"Saturn's Enigmatic CrepeRing" |
"inelele lui Saturn" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"septembrie" |
123 |
"An Unusual Observatory Design" |
"observatoare de amatori" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"septembrie" |
129 |
"Automated Step-Focus Astrophotography" |
"fotografie neghidata" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"august" |
32 |
"The Future of the Universe" |
"viitorul Universului" |
"cosmologie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"august" |
42 |
"The Triumphal Turnaround of MarsGlobal Surveyor" |
"Mars Global Surveyor" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"august" |
48 |
"Sharper Images Through Video" |
"astronomia video" |
"video" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"august" |
59 |
"Reincarnation of a Classic" |
"dobsoniene Odissey" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"august" |
69 |
"Satellite-Tracking Sampler" |
"programe pentru sateliti" |
"programe" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"august" |
86 |
"The Outer Limits" |
"Texas StarParty" |
"organizare" |
"astrocluburi" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"august" |
109 |
"The Cygnus Baseball Diamond" |
"stea multipla in Cygnus" |
"stele duble" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"august" |
114 |
"Seeking Summer's Dark Nebulae" |
"nebuloase Obscure" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"august" |
125 |
"Teaching an Old Dob New Tricks" |
"imbunatatiri aduse dobsonienelor" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iulie" |
30 |
"The Tale of an Asteroid" |
"asteroidul XF11" |
"asteroizi" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iulie" |
36 |
"Mars Pathfinder-Better Science?" |
"Mars Pathfinder" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iulie" |
46 |
"Shigemi Numazawa's Universe" |
"artist astronomic" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iulie" |
56 |
"Digital Desktop Darkroom" |
"programul PhotoSmart" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iulie" |
66 |
"Observing from the Red Planet" |
"program pentru explorarea lui Marte" |
"programe" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iulie" |
80 |
"A World of Astronomy News" |
"stiri despre amatori" |
"organizare" |
"astrocluburi" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iulie" |
98 |
"Deep-Sky Hunting in Hercules" |
"obiecte ceresti in Hercules" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iulie" |
106 |
"A New Kind of Corona" |
"coroane solare" |
"meteorologie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iulie" |
113 |
"A New Window of the Universe" |
"telescop pentru handicapati" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iulie" |
119 |
"Astrophotography to Go" |
"astrofotografie in Sud" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iunie" |
26 |
"Impact Hazards" |
"ciocnirea meteoritilor de Pamant" |
"meteoriti" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iunie" |
36 |
"The Incredible Shrinking Tropics" |
"modificarea inclinatiei axei Pamantului" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iunie" |
40 |
"The Astrographic Catalogue" |
"catalogul astrografic" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iunie" |
51 |
"A Do-It Yourself Dobsonian" |
"trusa pentru construit un dobsonian" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iunie" |
63 |
"Comet Sleuthing on the Internet" |
"cautarea cometelor suspecte pe Internet" |
"comete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iunie" |
77 |
"In the Land of the Midnight Sun" |
"amatori in Norvegia" |
"organizare" |
"astrocluburi" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iunie" |
98 |
"Big Dipper Variables" |
"variabile in Ursa Mare" |
"variabile" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iunie" |
105 |
"Observing a Fictional Moon" |
"Luna si W.H. Pickering" |
"Luna" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iunie" |
114 |
"A See-Through Reflecting Telescope" |
"telescop transparent" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"iunie" |
120 |
"QuickCam Astronomy" |
"astronomie cu QuickCam" |
"video" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"mai" |
28 |
"Tropical Totality" |
"eclipsa totala de Soare din 26 Feb 1998" |
"eclipse" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"mai" |
36 |
"Have You Been Flashed by Iridium?" |
"satelitii Iridium" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"mai" |
42 |
"Our Galaxy's Nearest Neighbour" |
"Sagittarius Dwarf" |
"galaxii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"mai" |
48 |
"Revolutionary New Binoculars" |
"binoculare cu stabilizare" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"mai" |
57 |
"To the Visual Limits" |
"magnitudinea limita vizuala" |
"programare" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"mai" |
70 |
"Bringing the Stars to the People" |
"popularizarea astronomiei" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"mai" |
74 |
"Astronomy Day 1998" |
"astronomy day" |
"organizare" |
"astrocluburi" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"mai" |
90 |
"Some Very Red Carbon Stars" |
"stele rosii" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"mai" |
101 |
"My Favourite Asterisms" |
"grupari de stele" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"mai" |
110 |
"A Do-It Yourself Dome observatory" |
"observator de amatori" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"mai" |
117 |
"Limiting Magnitudes for CCD's" |
"magnitudinea limita a CCD-urilor" |
"CCD" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"aprilie" |
28 |
"The Overlooked Galaxies" |
"galaxii normale" |
"galaxii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"aprilie" |
36 |
"The Millennium's Last TotalEclipse" |
"eclipsa totala din 11 august 1999" |
"eclipse" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"aprilie" |
49 |
"The Meade LX200 SC" |
"LX200" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"aprilie" |
59 |
"Once and Future Celestial Kings" |
"steaua Sirius" |
"programare" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"aprilie" |
71 |
"Phillip Sidney Coolidge" |
"astronomi amatori" |
"cercetatori " |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"aprilie" |
90 |
"Gems of the Desert" |
"duble in Sextant" |
"stele duble" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"aprilie" |
96 |
"A Scavenger's 12 inch Telescope" |
"telescop de 12 inches" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"aprilie" |
98 |
"A Homemade Eyepice Focuser" |
"focuserde amatori" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"aprilie" |
101 |
"The Secret Films of Astrophotographers" |
"filme bune pentru astrofotografie" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"martie" |
30 |
"The Diversity of Planetary System" |
"planete in jurul altor stele" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"martie" |
40 |
"Birth of a Star Cluster" |
"roiul 30 Doradus" |
"roiuri stelare" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"martie" |
48 |
"When Galaxies Collide" |
"coliziuni de galaxii" |
"galaxii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"martie" |
55 |
"Pocono's Equatorial Camera Mount" |
"monturaecuatoriala" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"martie" |
65 |
"The Moon and the Boston Massacre" |
"Lunain timpul Revolutiei americane" |
"programare" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"martie" |
80 |
"Walking Tours of the Solar System" |
"modele ale sistemului solar" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"martie" |
105 |
"The Sun:An Observing Primer" |
"observatii la Soare" |
"Soare" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"martie" |
112 |
"The Eye of the Island" |
"observator pe insula Bainbridge" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"februarie" |
28 |
"Gamma-Ray Bursts of Doom" |
"ciocniride stele neutronice" |
"radiatii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"februarie" |
36 |
"Solar Filter Safety" |
"filtre solare" |
"clasificare" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"februarie" |
42 |
"Boldness:The Amateur Sky Survey" |
"monitorizareacerului" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"februarie" |
48 |
"The Starlight Xpress MX5" |
"cameraCCD" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"februarie" |
54 |
"Computing Like a Professional" |
"software astronomic pentru Linux" |
"programe" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"februarie" |
67 |
"The Universe Comes to London" |
"AstroFest" |
"organizare" |
"astrocluburi" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"februarie" |
95 |
"Gems of Camelopardalis" |
"obiecte deep-sky in Cam" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"februarie" |
102 |
"The Enduring Legacy of HenryFitz" |
"telescop vechi repus in functiune" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"februarie" |
109 |
"CCDs; Small Scopes; and theUrban Amateur" |
"Utilizarea CCD-urilor in zone urbane " |
"CCD" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"ianuarie" |
32 |
"Mars Global Surveyor" |
"explorarealui Marte" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"ianuarie" |
36 |
"Crisis at Eta Carinae?" |
"exploziastelei eta Carinae" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"ianuarie" |
42 |
"The Lives of Binary Stars" |
"stelebinare" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"ianuarie" |
50 |
"Skygazer's Almanac - Northand South" |
"Skygazer almanac" |
"constelatii" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"ianuarie" |
60 |
"The Virgo T&T Mount" |
"monturapentru binoculare" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"ianuarie" |
65 |
"Brocchi's Cluster Reveald" |
"roiullui Brocchi" |
"roiuri stelare" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"ianuarie" |
90 |
"A Star-Hop in the Heart ofOrion" |
"obiecte deep-sky in Orion" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"ianuarie" |
105 |
"O'Neill's Bridge Remembered" |
"podfictiv observat pe Luna" |
"Luna" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"ianuarie" |
112 |
"A Modified Gregorian Telescope" |
"telescop Gregorian modificat" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1998 |
"ianuarie" |
117 |
"Eclipse Photography in theDigital Age" |
"fotografie la eclipse" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii " |