"Revista" |
"An" |
"Luna" |
"Pg." |
"Articol" |
"Subiect" |
"Tematica" |
"Domeniu" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"decembrie" |
28 |
"Buying the Best Telescope" |
"sfaturi pentru incepatori" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"decembrie" |
36 |
"The Lives of Stars-From Birthto Death and Beyond" |
"nasterea si moartea stelelor" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"decembrie" |
44 |
"Galileo in Retrospect" |
"sonda Galileo" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"decembrie" |
50 |
"Europa:Distant Ocean -HiddenLife" |
"ocean pe Europa" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"decembrie" |
57 |
"The Sovietski 6-inch Reflector" |
"telescop rusesc" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"decembrie" |
98 |
"The Dwarf Nova U Geminorum" |
"variabila U Gem" |
"variabile" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"decembrie" |
108 |
"Observing Meteors on YourFM Dial" |
"observarea radio a meteorilor" |
"meteori" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"decembrie" |
115 |
"Measuring the Sky With CCDs" |
"masurarea pozitiilor cu CCD" |
"CCD" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"noiembrie" |
32 |
"A Sol in the Life of Pathfinder" |
"ozi pe Marte" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"noiembrie" |
36 |
"From Swords to Supernovae" |
"supernove" |
"variabile" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"noiembrie" |
44 |
"Secrets of the Wabar Craters" |
"crater in Arabia Saudita" |
"meteoriti" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"noiembrie" |
52 |
"The Leviathan Reborn" |
"reconstructia telescopului Leviathan" |
"optica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"noiembrie" |
60 |
"Celestron's Computerized Telescope" |
"telescopul Ultima 2000" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"noiembrie" |
98 |
"A Variable Star and a VariableNebula" |
"variabila T Tauri" |
"variabile" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"noiembrie" |
113 |
"A New Concept for Tilted-ComponentTelescopes" |
"telescop fara obstructie centrala" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"noiembrie" |
120 |
"Optimizing a Newtonian forPhotography" |
"telescop pentru astrofotografii" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"octombrie" |
30 |
"NEAR Views of Matilde" |
"asteroidulMatilde" |
"asteroizi" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"octombrie" |
34 |
"Welcome to Mars" |
"Mars Pathfinder" |
"planete" |
"sistemulsolar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"octombrie" |
38 |
"A Martian Mystery" |
"culoarea cerului pe Marte" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"octombrie" |
42 |
"Dating the Cosmos:a ProgressReport" |
"varsta universului" |
"teorii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"octombrie" |
48 |
"Time and the Amateur Astronomer" |
"tipurile de timpuri" |
"calendar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"octombrie" |
53 |
"Celestron PixCel 225 CCD Camera" |
"camera CCD PixCel 225" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"octombrie" |
74 |
"He Conquered a World" |
"constructor de telescoape handicapat" |
"istorie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"octombrie" |
98 |
"Observing the Sun by Projection" |
"observatii la Soare" |
"Soare" |
"Observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"octombrie" |
104 |
"An Amateur Robotic Observatory" |
"observator robotizat" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"octombrie" |
109 |
"Visiting Grove Creek Observatory" |
"observatii CCD in Australia" |
"CCD" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"septembrie" |
28 |
"Shadows of Creations" |
"quasari si geneza galaxiilor" |
"galaxii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"septembrie" |
38 |
"Bonuses of the Microlensing Business" |
"materia obscura si stele variabile" |
"variabile" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"septembrie" |
46 |
"A New Look at the Milky Way" |
"galaxia noastra in unde radio" |
"galaxii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"septembrie" |
49 |
"Meade's Pictor 208XT and216XT" |
"CCD 208XT si 216XT" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"septembrie" |
59 |
"Looking Back Cosmologically" |
"trecutul galaxiilor" |
"galaxii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"septembrie" |
72 |
"Dreaming the Sky" |
"astromitologie australiana" |
"constelatii" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"septembrie" |
99 |
"Mars Watch 1997 Summary" |
"observarea lui Marte in 1997" |
"planete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"septembrie" |
106 |
"Mastering Polar Alignment" |
"punereai n pol" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"august" |
28 |
"Cosmic Rain" |
"comete ce se prabusesc pe Pamant" |
"comete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"august" |
32 |
"The Rivers of Venus" |
"albii de rauri pe Venus" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"august" |
40 |
"The Sloan Digital Sky Survey" |
"cartografierea cerului" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"august" |
51 |
"Meade's Pictor 201XT Autoguider" |
"CCD 201XT" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"august" |
60 |
"Planetary Grouping and the Millenium" |
"alinieri planetare" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"august" |
72 |
"Comets; Asteroids; and Astrometrica" |
"programul Astrometrica" |
"programe" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"august" |
104 |
"A Car-Window Mounting" |
"O montura de telescop pentru geamul masinii" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"august" |
106 |
"A Garage-Rooftop Observatory" |
"observator de amatori" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"august" |
109 |
"A CCD Camera Buzzword Primer" |
"termeni CCD" |
"CCD" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"iulie" |
28 |
"Measuring the Universe:From Hipparchusto Hipparcos" |
"misiunea Hipparcos" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"iulie" |
36 |
"Messenger from Mars" |
"meteorit de pe Marte" |
"meteoriti" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"iulie" |
42 |
"Life:A Cosmic Imperative?" |
"viata in Univers" |
"teorii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"iulie" |
50 |
"The Great Comet of 1997" |
"cometa Hale-Bopp" |
"comete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"iulie" |
59 |
"The Barlow Lens:More Power toYou" |
"barlow-uri" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"iulie" |
90 |
"A Binocular Tour from Antares" |
"obiecte deep-sky in Scorpion" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"iulie" |
106 |
"Caring for Optics" |
"curatarea oglinzilor si lentilelor" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"iulie" |
112 |
"Digitally Enhance Your Astrophotos" |
"prelucrarea digitala a imaginilor" |
"CCD" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"iunie" |
28 |
"Comet Hale-Bopp Memorable Performance" |
"cometaHale-Bopp" |
"comete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"iunie" |
34 |
"House Call for Hubble" |
"repararea lui Hubble" |
"telescopul spatial" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"iunie" |
38 |
"Of Pixel Size and Focal Reducers" |
"focal reducer pentru CCD" |
"CCD" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"iunie" |
46 |
"In Search for the First Constellations" |
"crearea constelatiilor" |
"constelatii" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"iunie" |
58 |
"Star Finding With a Planisphere" |
"planisfere" |
"constelatii" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"iunie" |
83 |
"An Optimized Newtonian Reflector" |
"newtonian pentru planete" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"iunie" |
106 |
"The Dolphin Delights" |
"obiecte deep-sky in Delphinus" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"mai" |
24 |
"Does 51 Pegasi Planet Really Exist?" |
"planetal ui 51 Peg" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"mai" |
28 |
"The Great Evening Comet" |
"cometa Hale-Bopp" |
"comete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"mai" |
40 |
"A Do-It Yourselfer's Primer forDigital Deep-Sky Imaging" |
"ghid CCD" |
"CCD" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"mai" |
46 |
"Comets that Changed the World" |
"comete faimoase" |
"comete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"mai" |
56 |
"Diving into the Lagoon" |
"nebuloasa Lagoon" |
"nebuloase" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"mai" |
80 |
"A Dozen Naked-Eye Variables" |
"variabile observabile cu ochiul liber" |
"variabile" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"mai" |
91 |
"A Polarizing Sundial" |
"cadran solar" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"martie" |
28 |
"Galileo:An Image Galery 2" |
"imagini luate cu sonda Galileo" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"martie" |
37 |
"Comet Hale-Bopp:Your ViewingGuide" |
"observarea cometei Hale-Bopp" |
"comete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"martie" |
42 |
"Bringing Comet Hale-Bopp Home" |
"fotografierea cometei Hale-Bopp" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"martie" |
47 |
"Choosing Films For Comet Photography" |
"filme pentru astrofotografie" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"martie" |
55 |
"Three Portable Rich-Field Telescopes" |
"telescoape cu camp mare" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"martie" |
91 |
"A Cardboard Interferometer" |
"interferometru din carton" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"martie" |
112 |
"The Mighty Hunter's Treasures" |
"obiecte in Orion" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"februarie" |
24 |
"Clementine's Lunar Gold" |
"rezultatele misiunii Clementine" |
"luna" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"februarie" |
26 |
"Radio Astronomy of the 21stCentury" |
"radioastronomia moderna" |
"radioastronomie" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"februarie" |
35 |
"Supernova 1987A:The FirstTen Years" |
"supernova 1987A" |
"variabile" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"februarie" |
42 |
"Hubble Revisited" |
"reparareaHST" |
"telescopul spatial" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"februarie" |
50 |
"Sikhote-Alin:50 Years Later" |
"crater pe Pamant" |
"meteoriti" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"februarie" |
80 |
"More Ideas for Indoor Observing" |
"observatii la adapost" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"februarie" |
100 |
"High-Power Comet Observing" |
"observarea cometelor" |
"comete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"ianuarie" |
30 |
"Galaxy clusters" |
"roiuri de galaxii" |
"galaxii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"ianuarie" |
38 |
"Amateurs and the CCD Revolution" |
"amatorii si camerele CCD" |
"CCD" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"ianuarie" |
44 |
"Great Comets in History" |
"comete celebre" |
"comete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"ianuarie" |
53 |
"Meade 90 mm ETX" |
"ETX de 90mm" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"ianuarie" |
73 |
"Skygazer's Almanac for 1997" |
"almanah astronomic" |
"planete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"ianuarie" |
96 |
"A 6-inch Camera Obscura" |
"telescop solar" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"ianuarie" |
103 |
"A Sundog Simulator" |
"program pentru fenomene atmosferice" |
"programe" |
"computere" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1997 |
"ianuarie" |
118 |
"How Size and Color AffectMagnitudes" |
"magnitudinea obiectelor ceresti" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |