"Revista" |
"An" |
"Luna" |
"Pg." |
"Articol" |
"Subiect" |
"Tematica" |
"Domeniu" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
24 |
"Three Ships to Mars" |
"sonde spre Marte" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
30 |
"Visions of Mars" |
"sonda ruseasca spre Marte" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
38 |
"The Sun-Climate Connection" |
"interactiunea climei cu Soarele" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
44 |
"Namibian Astronomical Adventures" |
"astrofotografie in Namibia" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
56 |
"6-inch Dobsonians" |
"dobsoniane de 6-inches testate" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
83 |
"An 8-inch Hyperbolic Astrograph" |
"astrograf hiperbolic" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
92 |
"Ready for Robotic Astronomy?" |
"telescoape robotizate" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"noiembrie" |
24 |
"Galileo:An Image Gallery" |
"imaginiale sondei Galileo" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"noiembrie" |
28 |
"Twenty Years of Seeing Double" |
"interferometrie" |
"optica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"noiembrie" |
36 |
"Optical Interferometry:Breakingthe Barriers" |
"interferometrie optica" |
"optica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"noiembrie" |
44 |
"Dissecting Light Pollution" |
"poluarea lumunoasa" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"noiembrie" |
48 |
"Meade's 7-inch Maks" |
"Maksutov de 7 inches" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"noiembrie" |
83 |
"A Mount Made from Dairy Crates" |
"montura din lazi de sticle" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"noiembrie" |
102 |
"Reaping Autum's Milky Way" |
"obiecte in Cassiopeia" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"octombrie" |
18 |
"Life from Ancient Mars?" |
"metoerit martian" |
"meteoriti" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"octombrie" |
20 |
"GONG:Probing the SUN's HiddenHeart" |
"interiorul Soarelui" |
"Soare" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"octombrie" |
26 |
"The Lunar Volcanism Controversy" |
"vulcanismul lunar" |
"Luna" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"octombrie" |
32 |
"Our Nearest Celestial Neighbours" |
"stelea propiate" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"octombrie" |
38 |
"Celestron's 9-inch SC" |
"Schmidt-Cassegrain de 9 inches" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"octombrie" |
48 |
"The Spectral Types of Stars" |
"clasificarea spectrala" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"octombrie" |
75 |
"Benefits of a Split-Dob Mount" |
"dobsoniene" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"octombrie" |
92 |
"Drawing the Face of Jove" |
"desenarea lui Jupiter" |
"planete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"septembrie" |
24 |
"Unsolved Mysteries of theSun2" |
"mistere solare" |
"Soare" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"septembrie" |
32 |
"Gamma-Ray Bursts" |
"explozii gama" |
"radiatii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"septembrie" |
38 |
"Neptune at 150" |
"Neptun" |
"planete" |
"sistemulsolar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"septembrie" |
52 |
"A Stranded Astronomer's Library" |
"o biblioteca astronomica" |
"educatie" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"septembrie" |
81 |
"A Ribbon Drive for a PipeMount" |
"montura din tevi" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"septembrie" |
85 |
"A Peek at Software Accuracy" |
"programe de astronomie testate" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"septembrie" |
91 |
"A Park on the Moon" |
"parc pe Luna" |
"Luna" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"septembrie" |
98 |
"Earth's Swollen Shadow" |
"umbra Pamantului" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"august" |
20 |
"Other Suns -Other Planets?" |
"planete in jurul altor stele" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"august" |
30 |
"Rings of Revelation" |
"inelele lui Saturn" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"august" |
38 |
"Unsolved Mysteries of the Sun1" |
"mistere solare" |
"Soare" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"august" |
48 |
"A Solar-Eclipse Sneak Preview" |
"eclipse de soare" |
"eclipse" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"august" |
68 |
"The Discovery of the PerseidMeteors" |
"curentul meteoric Perseide" |
"meteori" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"august" |
75 |
"Radio Astronomy with a SatelliteDish" |
"astronomia radio de amatori" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"august" |
92 |
"A Gallery of Super Images" |
"imagini astronomice" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"iunie" |
20 |
"A Great Comet Visits Earth" |
"cometa Hyakutake" |
"comete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"iunie" |
24 |
"Comet Hyakutake Up Close" |
"imagini ale cometei Hyakutake" |
"comete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"iunie" |
28 |
"Massive Black Holes in the Heartsof Galaxies" |
"gauri negre in galaxii" |
"gauri negre" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"iunie" |
38 |
"The Rise and Fall of Autoscope" |
"telescop robotic" |
"optica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"iunie" |
48 |
"Unit-Power Finders" |
"cautatoare" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"iunie" |
68 |
"The Extraordinary Doubles of Bootes" |
"duble in Bootes" |
"stele duble" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"iunie" |
75 |
"Bowling Balls for Telescope Mounts" |
"O montura dintr-o bila de bowling" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"iunie" |
94 |
"Shoot the Moon and Planets" |
"fotografierea Lunii si planetelor" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"mai" |
22 |
"Spring Comet Bomanza" |
"cometa Hyakutake" |
"comete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"mai" |
28 |
"Comet Photography for Everyone" |
"fotografierea cometelor" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"mai" |
38 |
"Black Holes in Binary Stars" |
"gauri negre si stele binare" |
"gauri negre" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"mai" |
48 |
"The Hubble Deep Field" |
"Hubble DeepField" |
"telescopul spatial" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"mai" |
68 |
"R Hydrae's Helium-Shell Flash" |
"R Hydrae" |
"stele variabile" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"mai" |
75 |
"A Window Mounted Telescope" |
"telescop montat pe o fereastra" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"aprilie" |
20 |
"Into the Giant" |
"sonda Galileo" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"aprilie" |
24 |
"Brown Dwarfs Revealed-At Last!" |
"pitice brune" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"aprilie" |
30 |
"S&T's Solar-System Challenge" |
"conjunctii" |
"planete" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"aprilie" |
38 |
"Your Basic Eyepiece Set" |
"oculare testate" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"aprilie" |
48 |
"So You Think You've Made a Discovery" |
"procedura de anuntare a unei descoperiri" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"aprilie" |
75 |
"More Thoughts on Mirror-CellDesign" |
"slefuirea oglinzilor" |
"optica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"aprilie" |
92 |
"Edge-on Galaxies of Spring" |
"galaxiipe muchie" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"martie" |
20 |
"The Grandeur of M42" |
"M42" |
"nebuloase" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"martie" |
24 |
"Ulysses:Solar Sojourner" |
"sonda Ulysses" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"martie" |
32 |
"New Life for an Old Telescope" |
"refractor de 11inch reconstruit" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"martie" |
38 |
"When Rahu Devoured the Sun" |
"elipsa totala de Soare din 0ct 1995" |
"eclipse" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"martie" |
48 |
"The Lure of Variable Stars" |
"observarea stelelor variabile" |
"variabile" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"martie" |
76 |
"Introducing Tele-Tips" |
"sfaturi practice" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"februarie" |
24 |
"Space-Time the Final Frontier" |
"spatiul cosmic" |
"cosmologie" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"februarie" |
32 |
"The Eagle's Nest" |
"nebuloasa M16" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"februarie" |
38 |
"EE Barnard and the 1889 Eclipseof Iapetus" |
"eclipsa lui Iapetus" |
"planete" |
"sistemul solar" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"februarie" |
42 |
"AstroBeam Laser Collimator" |
"colimator cu laser" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"februarie" |
48 |
"A Star-Hop from Gemini's Feet" |
"obiectein Gemini" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Sky&Telescope" |
1996 |
"februarie" |
76 |
"Refigure Your Mirror whileObserving" |
"imbunatatirea oglinzii prin tensionare controlata" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |