"Revista" |
"An" |
"Luna" |
"Pg." |
"Articol" |
"Subiect" |
"Tematica" |
"Domeniu" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
42 |
"The Lone Astronomer: Gerard de Vaucouleurs" |
"Gerardde Vaucouleurs" |
"cercetatori" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
46 |
"One Hot Stellar Nursery" |
"NGC 604(langa M33)" |
"nebuloase" |
"astrofizica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
48 |
"Wish Upon a Star" |
"International SpaceStation" |
"proiecte" |
"astronautica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
56 |
"WIYN Is a Winner" |
"telescopul WIYN(3.5m)" |
"optica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
76 |
"Star Maps Are a Gazer's Best Friend" |
"atlasestelare" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
82 |
"Observing Hickson Galaxy Groups" |
"Hickson92 (Stephan's Quintet)" |
"galaxii" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
84 |
"Piece-by-Piece Astrophotography" |
"obtinereade mozaicuri cu imagini CCD" |
"CCD" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
90 |
"Exploring Sinus Medii" |
"Sinus Medii" |
"Luna" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
92 |
"The Galaxy from Withhin" |
"imagineaCaii Lactee" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"decembrie" |
96 |
"Catch a Fleeting Asteroid" |
"observarealui Toutatis" |
"asteroizi" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"noiembrie" |
36 |
"Galaxies Colliding in the Night" |
"ciocnireaintre galaxii" |
"galaxii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"noiembrie" |
46 |
"Was There Life on Mars" |
"Marte" |
"planete" |
"sistemulsolar" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"noiembrie" |
56 |
"Galileo Dazzling Flyby" |
"sonda Galileo:Jupiter si sateliti" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"noiembrie" |
74 |
"A deep-Sky Romp Through Fall Skies" |
"observatiide toamna" |
"cerul de toamna" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"noiembrie" |
82 |
"It's Hip to be Square" |
"Pegasus" |
"constelatii" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"noiembrie" |
84 |
"Exploring Cassiopeia's Bright Clusters" |
"Cassiopeia" |
"constelatii" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"noiembrie" |
90 |
"A Winter Rich in Meteors" |
"observatiide meteori iarna" |
"meteori" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"octombrie" |
34 |
"Dark Matter & The Fate of theUniverse" |
"materia intunecata" |
"cosmologie" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"octombrie" |
36 |
"The New Dark Age of Astronomy" |
"materiaintunecata" |
"cosmologie" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"octombrie" |
40 |
"The Dark Side of the Galaxy" |
"materiaintunecata si Calea Lactee" |
"galaxii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"octombrie" |
48 |
"Ghosts in the Cosmic Machine" |
"materiaintunecata" |
"teorii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"octombrie" |
68 |
"Galileo's Ganymede Surprise" |
"sondaGalileo: Ganimede" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"octombrie" |
74 |
"Kodak's Hot New Astrophoto Film" |
"KodakPro Gold 400" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"octombrie" |
81 |
"See the Great Evening Comet" |
"efemeridalui Hale-Bopp" |
"comete" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"octombrie" |
86 |
"Sizing Up the Starhopper" |
"Starhopper(dobsonian de 8 inch)" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"septembrie" |
36 |
"The Excesses of Youth" |
"stele variabilede tip T Tauri" |
"variabile" |
"astrofizica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"septembrie" |
42 |
"Neptune's Discovery 150 Years Later" |
"istoriadescoperirii lui Neptun" |
"istorie" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"septembrie" |
50 |
"Lunar Windows to the Heavens" |
"telescoapepe Luna" |
"proiecte" |
"astronautica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"septembrie" |
68 |
"Eclipse at Harvest Moon" |
"eclipsade Luna din 26/27 septembrie 1996" |
"eclipse" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"septembrie" |
74 |
"Faint Balls of Fire" |
"roiuri globulare" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"septembrie" |
76 |
"Discover the Autumn Sky" |
"observatiide toamna cu instrumente mici" |
"cerul de toamna" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"septembrie" |
82 |
"Make Your Scope Light-Tight" |
"diafragmelein tuburile optice" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"august" |
30 |
"Hubble's Birthday Bash" |
"aniversareaa sase ani de utilizare a lui Hubble" |
"telescopul spatial" |
"astronautica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"august" |
36 |
"Journey to the Outer Limits" |
"misiunetrans-solara" |
"proiecte" |
"astronautica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"august" |
44 |
"A River in the Universe" |
"miscarea pescara larga a Universului" |
"cosmologie" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"august" |
52 |
"Catch a Perseid on Film" |
"fotografiereameteorilor" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"august" |
66 |
"Saturn's Missing Rings" |
"Saturn" |
"planete" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"august" |
68 |
"Free-form Observing" |
"observatii la intamplare" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"august" |
72 |
"Moonwalking the Outer Planets" |
"satelitiilui Saturn; Uranus si Neptun" |
"planete" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"august" |
76 |
"Fish-eye on the Sky" |
"fotografierea cufish-eye" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"iulie" |
36 |
"OK- Where are They?" |
"In cautarea extraterestrilor" |
"SETI" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"iulie" |
44 |
"Unwinding the Helix" |
"imagini cu Hubbleale nebuloasei Helix " |
"telescopul spatial" |
"astrofizica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"iulie" |
46 |
"Cosmic Billiars" |
"variabila SS Lac" |
"variabile" |
"astrofizica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"iulie" |
52 |
"Starmaker" |
"formarea stelelor" |
"evolutiestele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"iulie" |
69 |
"Showtime to Hale-Bopp" |
"efemerida luiHale-Bopp" |
"comete" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"iulie" |
74 |
"Hyakutake's Spring Surprise" |
"Hyakutake" |
"comete" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"iulie" |
82 |
"Plunge into the Lagoon" |
"Lagoon Nebulacu Hubble" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"mai" |
34 |
"What Happened before the Big Bang?" |
"universuriparalele" |
"cosmologie" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"mai" |
42 |
"White Dwarfs Confront the Universe" |
"piticealbe" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"mai" |
50 |
"The Giant Holes of the Moon" |
"cratere peLuna observate cu Clementine" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"mai" |
70 |
"Observing to the Edge" |
"Pluto" |
"planete" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"mai" |
72 |
"Meet the Milky Way" |
"Calea Lactee vara" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"mai" |
78 |
"The Starsplitter Compact" |
"Starsplitter10-inch f/6 (dobsonian)" |
"teste" |
"ATM" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"mai" |
82 |
"A Comet Crap Shoot" |
"efemeridele lui Hale-Boppsi Hyakutake" |
"comete" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"aprilie" |
34 |
"The Day the Dinosaurs Died" |
"impactulasteriodului ce creat pen. Yukatan" |
"educatie" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"aprilie" |
42 |
"Into the Maelstrom" |
"sonda Galileo siJupiter" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"aprilie" |
46 |
"To the Edge of Space and Time" |
"imaginecu galaxii indepartate" |
"telescopul spatial" |
"astronautica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"aprilie" |
50 |
"Two New Solar System" |
"planete extrasolare" |
"evolutiestele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"aprilie" |
66 |
"Galaxies on Edge" |
"observarea galaxiilor" |
"galaxii" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"aprilie" |
72 |
"An April Shower" |
"Lyride" |
"meteori" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"aprilie" |
74 |
"An Exotic Eclipse" |
"eclipsa de Soaredin 24 octombrie 1995" |
"eclipse" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"aprilie" |
78 |
"Hypercharge Your Astrofilm" |
"hypersensibilizareafilmelor foto" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"aprilie" |
82 |
"A Window into the Deep" |
"roiul de galaxiiidin Hercule" |
"galaxii" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"martie" |
34 |
"Is This Planet for Real?" |
"planete extrasolare" |
"evolutiestele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"martie" |
42 |
"Far Journey to a NEAR Ateroid" |
"sondaNEAR cerceteaza asteroizii" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"martie" |
50 |
"Tilt-A-Whirl Astronomy" |
"explicarea anotimpurilor" |
"educatie" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"martie" |
66 |
"Remembering Gemini" |
"Constelatia Gemini" |
"constelatii" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"martie" |
70 |
"Seeing the Unseen" |
"observarea galaxiilor" |
"galaxii" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"martie" |
76 |
"Choosing a Camera for Astrophotography" |
"alegereaunui aparat foto" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"martie" |
80 |
"Beyond the Visible with CCDs" |
"folosireafiltrelor in infrarosu cu CCDul" |
"CCD" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"februarie" |
36 |
"Lone Star Infants" |
"formarea stelelor" |
"evolutiestele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"februarie" |
44 |
"Stellar Graveyard" |
"pitice albe inM4" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"februarie" |
46 |
"The Remarcable Odyssey of Jane Luu" |
"JaneLuu" |
"cercetatori" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"februarie" |
52 |
"Wormholes and Spacetime Paradoxes" |
"gauride vierme" |
"teorii" |
"astrofizica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"februarie" |
68 |
"Here Comes Hale-Bopp" |
"efemerida luiHale-Bopp" |
"comete" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"februarie" |
74 |
"Come-As-You-Are Astrophotography" |
"fotografiineghidate" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"februarie" |
80 |
"Tracking a Distant Comet World" |
"observarealui Chiron" |
"asteroizi" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"februarie" |
84 |
"Beat Back the Dew Blues" |
"combatereaaburirii obiectivelor" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"ianuarie" |
36 |
"Galileo Arrives at Jupiter" |
"sondaGalileo si Jupiter" |
"misiuni" |
"astronautica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"ianuarie" |
46 |
"Cosmic Billiards" |
"M16 cu Hubble" |
"telescopulspatial" |
"astronautica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"ianuarie" |
50 |
"Second Chance Planets" |
"planeta injurul unui pusar" |
"evolutie stele" |
"astrofizica" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"ianuarie" |
68 |
"A Trip Through the Wasteland" |
"deep-skyin Lynx si Camelopardalis" |
"deep-sky" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"ianuarie" |
72 |
"Touring Winter's Best Double Stars" |
"steleduble pe cerul de iarna" |
"stele duble" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"ianuarie" |
78 |
"Catch a Comet onFilm" |
"fotografiereacometelor" |
"astrofotografie" |
"observatii" |
"Astronomy" |
1996 |
"ianuarie" |
86 |
"Power to Go" |
"sursa de curent continuu(baterie 12V)" |
"constructii" |
"ATM" |