"Revista" "An" "Luna" "Pg." "Articol" "Subiect" "Tematica" "Domeniu"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "decembrie" 40 "Artistry and Solar Eclipse" "imagini artistice ale unor eclipse de Soare" "istorie"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "decembrie" 44 "Hot New Products of 2000" "produse ale anului 2000" "educatie"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "decembrie" 54 "2MASS Treasure Hunt" "imagini in infrarosu cu 2MASS" "deep-sky" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "decembrie" 69 "Shopping the Online GalaxyGalleria" "magazine online" "educatie"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "decembrie" 85 "Backyard Science: The IAPPPand the Amateur Astronomer" "profesionisti-amatori si fotometria fotoelectrica" "organizare" "astrocluburi"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "decembrie" 120 "My 10 Favorite Deep-Sky Wonders" "observatii de deep-sky" "deep-sky" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "decembrie" 134 "A Simple Truss-Tube Dobsonian" "dobsonian cu zabrele" "constructii" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "noiembrie" 40 "The Most Mysterious AstronomicalManuscript" "manuscris medieval" "istorie"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "noiembrie" 44 "Recycling the Universe" "circuitul materiei in Univers" "cosmologie"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "noiembrie" 59 "Celestron's NexStar 8 GoToScope" "Celestron NexStar 8 (SCT)" "teste" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "noiembrie" 62 "Megawedge and Auriga TriPlus" "accesorii pt. Celestron NexStar 8" "teste" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "noiembrie" 66 "Adding a Personal Touch" "screensaver-e ; miniprograme" "programe" "computere"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "noiembrie" 83 "Ventura Starways" "Astroncon 2000 star party (California)" "organizare" "astrocluburi"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "noiembrie" 117 "Beyond the Dawes Limit: ObsservingSaturn's Ring Divisions" "diviziunile de pe inelul lui Saturn" "planete" "sistemulsolar"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "noiembrie" 131 "Flexing Spheres into High-QualityTelescope Mirrors" "flexarea oglinzilor sferice in oglinzi parabolice" "constructii" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "noiembrie" 142 "Color Planetary Imaging Beginners" "imagini planetare pentru incepatori" "CCD" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "octombrie" 40 "LIGO:An Antenna Tuneed tothe Songs of Gravity" "detectia undelor gravitationale" "unde gravitationale" "astrofizica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "octombrie" 50 "Teaching Einstein to Dance:the Dinamic World of General Relativity" "unde gravitationale" "teorii" "astrofizica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "octombrie" 58 "Gravitational Waves: A Prehistory" "unde gravitationale" "istorie"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "octombrie" 71 "Two Large Low-Cost Refractors" "Celestron CR-160 HD si Orion 120mm EQ" "teste" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "octombrie" 89 "Hunting for SOHO Comets Usingthe Internet" "descoperire de comete prin Internet" "programe" "computere"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "octombrie" 93 "Stargazing in Mason-DixonCountry" "Mason-Dixon star-party" "organizare" "astrocluburi"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "octombrie" 124 "A Jupiter Observing Guide" "Jupiter" "planete" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "octombrie" 138 "A Weightless Woodshop Refractor" "montura azimutala din lemn" "constructii" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "septembrie" 32 "The New Millenium's firstTotality" "eclipsa din 21 iunie 2001" "eclipse" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "septembrie" 38 "Stars in the Cellar" "noi tipuri de stele" "evolutie stele" "astrofizica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "septembrie" 46 "Astronomy Abroad Ballons" "astronomia aeriana" "cercetatori" "astrofizica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "septembrie" 56 "Martian Mudflows" "Marte" "planete" "sistemulsolar"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "septembrie" 59 "A Tale of Two Filters" "filtre H alfa" "teste" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "septembrie" 63 "A New Standard in Solar Filters" "filtre solare" "teste" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "septembrie" 68 "For a More Precise Position" "orientarea cu GPS" "programe" "computere"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "septembrie" 82 "Where Are the Young Astronomers" "viitorul astronomiei" "educatie"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "septembrie" 125 " Understanding Thermal Behaviour" "racirea termica a telescoapelor" "optica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "august" 34 "Visions of Today's Giant Eyes" "cele mai mari telescoape" "optica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "august" 42 "A Galaxy of Telescopes" "topul telescoapelor" "optica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "august" 43 "Telescopes-Coming of Age in the20th Century" "evolutia telescoapelor" "optica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "august" 52 "Gyant Eyes of the Future" "telescoape viitorului" "optica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "august" 61 "The Cadillac of Tracking Mounts" "monturaTakahashi portabila" "teste" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "august" 64 "Power to Go" "sursa de curent de 12V" "teste" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "august" 68 "Automatic Asteroid Hunting" "cautarea automatica a asteroizilor" "asteroizi" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "august" 105 "My Favourite Deep-Sky Wonders" "obiectele preferate ale lui O'Meara" "deep-Sky" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "august" 120 "Sizing Up the Newtonian Secondary" "dimensiunile oglinzillor secundare" "constructii" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "august" 123 "Diagonal Calculations with Sec" "program pentru dimensionarea secundarelor" "programe" "computere"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "august" 129 "The State of Astrophotography" "cei mai buni astrofotografi" "astrofotografie" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iulie" 32 "What Is the Real Shape of theRing Nebula" "forma nebuloasei planetare M57" "nebuloase" "astrofizica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iulie" 40 "Astronomy and the Fall of Babylon" "astronomie antica" "istorie"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iulie" 48 "Compton's Legacy" "Gamma Ray Observatory-Compton" "misiuni" "astronautica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iulie" 59 "Image-Stabilized Binoculars Aplenty" "binocluri cu stabilizarea imaginii" "teste" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iulie" 76 "The Chiefland Experiment" "observatorul astronomic din Chiefland" "organizare" "astrocluburi"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iulie" 112 "Double-Star Measurement MadeEasy" "masurarea stelelor duble" "stele duble" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iulie" 125 "Getting the Most from a CCD Spectrograph" "spectroscopie cu CCD-ul" "CCD" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iunie" 30 "Will the Leonid Storm Continue?" "curentul Leonide" "meteori" "sistemul solar"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iunie" 38 "The Leonid Rising Star" "metodede prognoza a Leonidelor" "meteori" "sistemul solar"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iunie" 42 "Storm Chaser" "observarea Leonidelor- profesionisti" "meteori" "sistemul solar"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iunie" 46 "Catch a Falling Star" "observarea Leonidelor - amatori" "meteori" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iunie" 56 "Big Binoculars on a Budget" "binoculare 25x100" "teste" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iunie" 64 "Some Odds and Ends" "prognoza Sanselor SETI" "SETI"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iunie" 76 "The Pro-Am Revolution" "proiecte comune amatori-profesionisti" "cercetatori" "astrofizica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iunie" 80 "Students Find 73 Novae in M31" "novein M31" "variabile" "astrofizica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iunie" 109 "Mesmerized by Mercury" "Mercur" "planete" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "iunie" 125 "Doghouse Detail" "construirea observatoarelor" "constructii" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "mai" 28 "Conjunctions That Changed the World" "conjunctii spectaculoase " "conjunctii" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "mai" 36 "Beyond the Hubble Sequence" "secventa lui Hubble " "galaxii" "astrofizica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "mai" 46 "Selling Astrophisics in a CrystalPalace" "planetariul Hayden" "educatie"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "mai" 57 "Backyard Spectroscopy" "spectroscopie de amatori" "constructii" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "mai" 66 "The ASCOM Revolution" "programe de astronomie" "programare " "computere"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "mai" 82 "The World the Universe Meet at CastelGandolfo" "training in astronomie" "educatie"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "mai" 120 "Exploring the Hubble Sequence byEye" "observarea tipurilor de galaxii " "deep-sky" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "mai" 135 "Optimal Polish for Optimal Optics" "argintarea oglinzilor" "constructii" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "aprilie" 28 "Ten Years and Counting" "aniversarea a 10 ani a lui Hubble" "telescopul spatial" "astronautica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "aprilie" 36 "Healing Hubble" "Hubble, reparatii in 2000" "telescopul spatial" "astronautica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "aprilie" 44 "High Tides and The CanterburyTales" "the Canterbury tales" "educatie"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "aprilie" 56 "SkySensor 2000-PC:a la CarteGo To" "SkySensor 2000" "teste" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "aprilie" 63 "Where Eclipses Come Trice" "producerea eclipselor" "eclipse" "sistemul solar"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "aprilie" 80 "High Observatory Adventure atAstronomy Camp" "programul Astronomy Camp" "organizare" "astrocluburi"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "aprilie" 116 "Full-Moon-Fade-Out" "eclipsa din 21 ianuarie 2000" "eclipse" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "aprilie" 128 "Motorizing a Dobsonian" "dobsonian motorizat" "constructii" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "aprilie" 134 "Takahashi's FSQ-106 FluoriteRefractor" "refractor Takahashi" "teste" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "aprilie" 136 "Notes on Focal Lenght" "focala catadioptricelor" "constructii" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "martie" 34 "Anatomy of an Aurora" "totul despre aurore" "aurore" "astrofizica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "martie" 42 "An Aurora Watcher's Guide" "observatii aurore" "aurore" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "martie" 50 "Solar Storms:The Silent Menace" "maximul solar" "Soare" "astrofizica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "martie" 63 "Three Wide-Field Reflectors" "Astroscan-Bushnell" "teste" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "martie" 72 "Scripting:A Programing Alternative" "scripturi" "programare" "computere"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "martie" 86 " Astronomy Olympiads in the Caucasus" "olimpiade de astronomie" "educatie"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "martie" 119 "Enjoing Your First Messier Marathon" "maratonul Messier" "deep-sky" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "martie" 132 "More Reader Tele-Tips" "sfaturi tehnice" "constructii" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "martie" 135 "Photographing the Analema" "analema" "astrofotografie" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "februarie" 28 " A Year of Discovery" "descoperiri" "astrofizica"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "februarie" 38 "Y1K's Science Guy" "Gerbert d'Aurillac" "cercetatori"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "februarie" 46 "Thomas Dick's Science" "ThomasDick" "cercetatori"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "februarie" 54 "Go To Telescope Showdown" "telescoape computerizate" "teste" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "februarie" 65 "Xceptional Astronomical Software" "XEphem - planetariu pentru Linux" "teste" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "februarie" 77 "Observing in Lewis Country" "Oregon Star Party" "organizare" "astrocluburi"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "februarie" 111 "Double Stars-The spirit of33" "stele duble in Orion" "deep-Sky" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "februarie" 125 "Woodshop Eypieces" "oculare" "constructii" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "februarie" 129 " Homemade Barlow Lenses" "barlow-uri" "constructii" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "februarie" 134 "A Place for Astro Imagers" "grupul ARGO" "organizare" "astrocluburi"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "ianuarie" 32 "Where the Astronomers Are" "astronomi" "organizare"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "ianuarie" 37 "The 10 Most Inspiring Images" "astrofotografie" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "ianuarie" 50 "Looking Backward" "istorie"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "ianuarie" 60 "Six 8-inch Dobsonians" "dobsoniene" "teste" "ATM"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "ianuarie" 85 "Amateur Astronomy in Jordan" "amatori in Iordania" "organizare" "astrocluburi"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "ianuarie" 89 "Wyoming's First Star Summit" "Wyoming Star-Party" "organizare" "astrocluburi"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "ianuarie" 125 "You Your Weather and YourSkies " "prognoza meteo" "meteorologie" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "ianuarie" 141 "A MagicBox Solar Telescope" "telescop solar" "Soare" "observatii"
"Sky&Telescope" 2000 "ianuarie" 148 "Thoughts on High-ResolutionImaging" "imagini de inalta rezolutie" "CCD" "observatii"